Building Faith Together


A devotional for school aged kids + their loving parents, prayer cards, and a family workout page

The start of the school year was especially hard…




I created this in real time- meaning, my daughter was struggling with going back to school and I was, too. These things we're dealing with aren't easy, but the Word of God does have answers for us.


In this resource, we are going to look to the natural things we can do and the supernatural. I never want to go a day where I don't seek Heaven. Amen?




Your kids will learn what to do when…


They don't want to go to school.


The days feel long.


It's hard to focus.


They start comparing themselves to other kids.


And much more!

As parents, we will learn how to pray over our kids' protection while they're at school, what to do when work is drowning us, when we're concerned about friendships, our kids' learning progression, and more.

Ready to build faith together with your kids?



What's inside the bundle?


10 devotions for kids.  If your kids are home, parents are encouraged to do these with your kiddos at the breakfast table or in the car.


10 devotions for parents.  The Word of God will bring clarity to tough issues.


Family Workout Page.  You can do these together or on your own!  The point is to get your body movin' + the happy emotions flowing!

author + creator

Cara Gibson

Once a teacher, always a teacher.


I left elementary education to pursue a career in the health + fitness industry. I began to write and speak about God's Word a few years into my new career realizing that I could teach women in both areas: naturally and supernaturally.


I live in Oklahoma with my husband, daughter, and labrador retriever. I stick out like a sore thumb being originally from southwest Virginia.


A few fun facts: We love to travel, eat delicious food, and I sing on our church's worship team and play the drums for a hobby!


It's an honor to carry out God's assignment for me and I pray this resource blesses your family.

It is a command from the Lord not to give into worry but pray instead.  We can use the exact same energy and headspace that we’d use for worry to look up to the One who created all things and pray.